Coming Soon: Amenities Survey

La Donna Womochel, Chair, Facilities Committee

In May many Robson Ranch residents attended forums conducted by the Facilities Committee to gather information about what amenities might appeal to future residents in the next five-plus years. The residents listened to each other, made their own suggestions, and then voted on the ones that were most appealing to the community. It was a group effort. At those forums, the committee noted that there would be a survey directed to each resident that would allow input about amenities that would be valuable to the community. This survey will be delivered to Robson residents via HOA email during the month of July. Please complete the survey.

In tandem with the forum and the survey, the subcommittee will also request data from Robson clubs on the current activities and membership and ask for projections on future growth.

As part of the understanding of needs for active adults, the subcommittee will be reviewing the competitive landscape in 55+ communities. Gathering this data, along with demographics, will give the subcommittee a broader view of future requirements to attract new residents and to encourage current residents to stay.

After accumulating data, the subcommittee will present an analysis to the Facilities Committee. From this analysis, the Facilities Committee will make recommendations to the HOA Board who will present it to the developer for final decisions concerning future amenities.

This analysis will only be as good as the data on which it is based. The committee captured the recommendations for amenities that intrigued the majority of those attending the forums. Now, the Facilities Committee is asking individual residents to watch for the email that has the survey link. When you receive it, we ask that each resident complete the survey and submit it. The Facilities Committee is counting on the residents to provide objective data and to provide insight into the amenities that they would like to see. Please complete the survey.