Conservative Women of Action at the Capitol
Lynne Kelsey
Fresh from ringing in the new year, three members of the Conservative Women of Action and their spouses traveled to Washington, D.C., on Jan. 2 to celebrate the swearing-in of our new congressman Brandon Gill. After arriving and checking in, Suzie Kardong-Edgren, Julie Greenawalt, and Lynne Kelsey and their husbands met up with fellow Ranchers Lisa and Jim Dyer for dinner at Old Ebbitt Grill, Washington’s oldest saloon. From there they traveled to the Capitol and spent a very chilly half hour waiting with a group of 150 to be admitted for a private tour, led by the congressman himself. Many of us had been to the Capitol before, but being there at night was a very different experience. The highlight was being allowed (after divesting ourselves of all electronic devices) into the House Chamber where we sat in the leather seats (on the Republican side, of course!) while Congressman Gill told us about the history of the room, including pointing out a bullet hole in a desk drawer used by Republican leadership that remains from an attack by Puerto Rican nationalists on the House floor in 1954.
After enjoying free time for museum visits on Friday, the group attended a celebration soiree where they found themselves shoulder to shoulder with Gill’s constituents and supporters, including Congressman Jim Jordan and filmmaker and author Dinesh D’Souza who is Gill’s father-in-law. The atmosphere was very “D.C.” and very optimistic!
Saturday was set aside for a special visit to the Museum of the Bible, which showcases rare and fascinating artifacts spanning 4,000 years of history, including the display of the Megiddo Mosaic. This spectacular mosaic floor is over 1,800 years old and contains the earliest archeological evidence of Jesus’ being referred to as God.
A snowstorm was approaching the city, and the group was thankful that, despite delays, they were able to fly home on Sunday. The trip was made more memorable as they watched the Inauguration on Jan. 20, knowing they had been in that very room just a few weeks before! We thank Congressman Gill for the invitation and wish him the very best as he takes on his new duties serving the people of Texas’ 26th Congressional District!