Members of the Robson Ranch Democratic Club enjoyed their 2023 holiday party in the clubhouse. (Photo by Jane Scholz)
Jane Scholz
Members of the Robson Ranch Democratic Club enjoyed the club’s holiday festivities on Dec. 7 in the clubhouse with two “surprise guests” who rapped about politics. In lieu of a visit from Santa, two club members showed up in costume as U.S. Congressmen and performed a humorous rap about current political issues in the style of the Washington Press Club Gridiron. A raffle for Democratic Party gifts was also held.
The club will move its monthly meetings to the first Thursday of the month in 2024 to make it easier to schedule candidate appearances before the primary, local, and general elections.
Here are the dates for future meetings: Feb. 1, March 7, April 4, Aug. 1, Sept. 5 and Oct. 3. All meetings begin with a social half hour at 6:30 p.m. in the clubhouse.
Membership in the club is open to all Robson residents. Dues are $10 a year. Join or renew your membership at www.rrdemocraticclub.com/join-us. For more information, visit our website, www.rrdemocraticclub.com, follow us on Facebook, or contact [email protected].