A “blue slate” special of Democratic candidates: Brian Beck for Beto O’Rourke, Tracy Fisher, Delonia Watson, Angela Brewer, and Francine Ly
Vicki Baker
We’re Texas Democrats, y’all! We have never shied away from big, bold ideas. We have crafted landmark programs, policies, and institutions that make Texas one of a kind. A fair shot for all is what drove Democrats to build this great state, and that is what drives us today.
The strength of our party is not about any single person. It’s powered by hundreds of thousands of Texans who are committed to working with our neighbors, empowering our communities, and bettering our state. Five such individuals are currently running for state and local races in the upcoming Nov. 8 election. A candidate forum, hosted by the RR Democratic Club, introduced residents to these Democratic champions.
Representing Beto O’Rourke, Gubernatorial candidate, Brian Beck (Mayor Pro Tem of Denton) spoke to O’Rourke’s steadfast belief that all communities, large and small, deserve to be heard. He will seek out and listen to experts and follow best practices regarding voting rights, education, energy, the environment, and public health, among many other issues. betoorourke.com.
Delonia Watson, candidate for Second District Court of Appeals, holds 36-plus years of appellate advocacy. Acknowledging that every case presented before the court as equally important is paramount to her judicial philosophy, along with her belief in the rule of law unswayed by personal ideology. deloniawatson4justice.com.
Tracy Fisher, candidate for State Board of Education District 14, knows that good schools build good communities. Not a politician, Fisher is a 25-year education advocate for public school kids. Her goals prioritize local neighborhood schools, dynamic instructional methodology, professional educator retainment, and deep learning, as opposed to standardized testing. www.tracyfisherfortexas.com.
Francine Ly is running for Texas Senate 12. Once a child refugee from Cambodia and now a naturalized U.S. citizen, she knows firsthand the silent struggles of average, everyday working families and the dangers of discrimination. Ly has realized the American Dream and pledges to represent the needs of the community with human dignity and respect for all her constituents, not special interests. sites.google.com/view/francine-ly-for-senate/home.
Angela Fisher is a candidate for Denton County Clerk. This office is the official record keeper for all real property, vital statistics, civil court, misdemeanor court, probate court, and juvenile court records in Denton County. Fisher advocates for easier accessibility to such documents and greater transparency in government. angelafortexas.com.
Leading by example, these candidates exemplify that no matter who you are, what you look like, or where you come from, if you work hard in Texas, you can make it.
Democrats are fighting for our future. From hosting events to running for office to getting folks out to vote, our movement is growing from the ground up, block by block, neighborhood by neighborhood, city by city. The place to start is right here. Get involved and take action by joining the RR Democratic Club on the fourth Thursday of each month at 7 p.m. in the clubhouse. For more information, contact [email protected].