Frederick Bishop promoting his candidacy for Denton County Sheriff (photo by Vicki Baker)
Vicki Baker
Texas is the battleground of battlegrounds. That’s why Texas Democrats are rolling up our sleeves and putting in the hard work now to deliver results in 2024—because when our party is strong and when our candidates have the resources they need—that’s when we win.
With years of coalition-building and a shared commitment to bringing Texas to the forefront of progressive leadership, we are geared up to elect more Democrats at every level of government in 2024. Frederick Bishop, candidate for Denton County Sheriff and presenter at the RR Democratic Club’s October meeting, set forth his goals for the county’s chief law enforcement position. Visit his website at bishopfordenton.com for more information on his background, credentials, and future plans for the department.
March 5, 2024, is a critical date for all Texans—it’s the date for statewide primary elections. Frederick Bishop was just one of the many candidates the RR Democratic Club will bring to the community as the 2024 election season heats up. Plan to join us on the first Thursday of each month at 6:30 p.m. in the Clubhouse to learn more about the candidates and other important local, state, and national issues. For more information, visit our website www.rrdemocraticclub.com, follow us on Facebook, or contact [email protected].