Discover Artistry—Robson Ranch Art House Crawl!

Join the Robson Ranch Art House Crawl! Mark your calendars for Saturday, June 8, from 1 to 5 p.m. as the Women Sharing Hope Club presents the inaugural Robson Ranch Art House Crawl. Venture through six unique homes, each showcasing distinct artists and their captivating creations available for purchase.

Tickets priced at $15 will be available for purchase by contacting Linda Smith at [email protected]. Upon purchase, you’ll receive a tour guide and a designated starting point to ensure a seamless and staggered experience, minimizing crowds at each location. The ticket proceeds will support the charitable endeavors of the Women Sharing Hope Club Ministries.

House #1 – Cat’s Divine Creations

Join Catherine Simpson as she unveils her journey into artistry following a life-altering surgery. Witness her captivating contemporary, impressionist art, featuring a fusion of acrylics, oils, resin, and more. Catherine’s creations, including resin bowls and customized pieces, adorn over 50 homes in Robson Ranch. Don’t miss her live demonstration with alcohol inks and indulge in homemade ice cream during your visit.

House #2 – String-Things by Harry Woloschin

Experience the intricate craftsmanship of Harry Woloschin’s String-Things. Delve into over a decade of his unique creations, handcrafted with precision and care. Harry will be showcasing his process with live demonstrations while you enjoy some delightful refreshments.

House #3 – Artistry of Francesca D’Atria Romano

Explore the award-winning works of Francesca D’Atria-Romano, a celebrated New York artist now residing in Robson. Marvel at her large acrylic landscapes and learn how she became a Woman in History 1989 through her New York City etchings. She will demonstrate how she created her most famous pieces. Enjoy her homemade Italian cheesecake and demitasse coffee.

House #4 – Realism by Ray Blanton

Discover the meticulous realism of Ray Blanton’s paintings. Delve into the details of his landscapes and portraits, each evoking a sense of serene beauty. Experience artistry through Ray’s eyes and explore the world with a newfound perspective.

House #5 – Nature’s Reflections by Carol Ripley

Embark on a journey through nature with Carol Ripley. Admire her realistic portrayals of landscapes and underwater scenes, crafted from her own adventures and photographs. Gain insights into the artist’s process.

House #6 – Illustrations by Stan Briney

Step into the imaginative world of Stan Briney. Marvel at his extraordinary illustrations and bronze sculptures, showcasing a lifelong passion for artistry. Discover the stories behind his works and experience the legacy of an award-winning artist.

Immerse yourself in a world of creativity and inspiration at the Robson Ranch Art House Crawl. Don’t miss this opportunity to support local artists and enrich your artistic soul. Join us on June 8 for an unforgettable journey through the realms of art!