Drama Club

Gail Kohn (lighting control)

Mary Ornberg

The Robson Ranch Drama Club continues to be a beacon of creativity, friendship, and the pure delight of the performing arts.

Looking ahead to the future, the club teases their next performance scheduled for Oct. 27, inviting everyone to mark their calendars for what promises to be another enchanting showcase of talent and creativity. We get better every time.

The people behind the scenes are just as important as the actors on stage. The sound crew has a most challenging job of balancing the volumes of each performer and following the scripts for some sound effects. The light controller oversees on, off, and dimming at the appropriate times. The stage crew is responsible for setting up the next scene on stage with the right props. All are vital for the success of each performance.

The Drama Club is a fun group. We welcome everyone, and no experience is necessary. We need people both on stage and behind the curtain. If you are interested in joining the Drama Club, contact Mary Ornberg at [email protected]. Our meetings are scheduled for the second Thursday at 6 p.m. every month in Room 104 of the CATC building.