Fa La La La La!

You’re invited to an evening of Christmas caroling on Monday, Dec. 18, at 4:30 p.m.

Begin at 11121 Cartwright Drive in Robson. This will be our 13th year to go caroling in Robson Ranch to our friends and neighbors who are recuperating from a surgery or illness, have lost a loved one, or are homebound caregivers to let them know that we care, and to bring them some Christmas cheer. We have found that serving and giving to others is the best medicine for battling holiday stress and depression.

This is an event sponsored by Women Sharing Hope’s Games for Dames program. Men, you are welcome to join us! Non-singers can shake jingle bells. Last year over 60 people came to sing, and in groups of four to six, we sang to over 45 homes.

Rosey and Tony Ross are our gracious hosts once again. Their home is a beautiful Christmas wonder, and this year their house is on the Robson Women’s Club Tour of Homes.

There are lots of perks in coming to sing, and we promise you will be blessed as much as you bless others.

Arrive at the Rosses at 4:30 p.m., and we will leave to carol at 5 p.m. Please bring something on the potluck list, and we will celebrate with an After Glow and share caroling stories.

If you know someone we can bless with Christmas cheer, please reply directly to Amy Bowman at albowman510@gmail.com with the name, address, and circumstance of the person.

Hope to see you there!