Skip Van Pelt
On Dec. 6 the Featherheads, a group of men golfers, held their annual Christmas party. This group has been together for several years. They differ from many groups at the Ranch because their main objective while playing golf is to contribute money to the Support Our Troops organization here at the Ranch.
On this evening the golfers gave their final 2019 donations, which made the overall donation for the last few years $30,000. This year’s donation was in remembrance of Ronny Holt. Ronny was a part of this group from the beginning until his passing in 2019.
During the evening, several golfers were recognized for accomplishing what all golfers hope for — a hole-in-one. Three golfers, Jim Downer, Jimmy Hayes, and Larry Klein all reached that goal in 2019.
Recognition also went to Ray Hibler. All members of this group feel it a privilege and honor to play with Ray. Ray received the Man of The Year Award. This award goes to the Featherhead that is a true champion on and off the course. Ray leads his life with kindness, respect, caring, and compassion not only for his fellow golfers, but for those he meets off the course as well. He is a true gentleman for sure.