Jan Marx exhibits two of her collages side by side. (Photo by Rosie Bouse)
Rosie Bouse
You might say Jan Marx’ ability to produce works of art began in her preschool days. Her father was a fabric designer and commercial silk screen printer in Emerald Oak, Texas. Jan was surrounded by artistic people since early childhood.
Nowadays, Jan is busy creating a multitude of collages for gifts, because it delights her so. She likes to share her new creations at Paint & Palette’s Show and Tell on the second Monday of each month. These sessions are hosted by Amy Schnoll, our session leader.
One of Jan’s recent projects was to create a book composed of 60 pages of 5×7-inch collages for her grandson Jake. She was his mentor during COVID when he was feeling anxious about returning to school. Having been a teacher of art, English, Spanish, and speech, it was natural for her to step up to this role. Jake is now 18 and a budding artist himself, attending community college in Seattle to study forestry. Knowing of Jake’s keen interest in nature, Jan created the book The Colors of Nature. Her palette includes a full spectrum of colors, from softly muted to vibrant eye catchers. This collage book was Jake’s Christmas gift for 2024, and Jan included special quotes for Jake. He especially liked Pythagoras’ “Leave the road. Take the trails.” Says Jake, “I love the quotes, but your art is awesome!”
Retiring in 2010, Jan has lived at Robson Ranch for 18 years. She has traveled extensively to China, India, Morocco, Panama, and several countries in Europe. She nourishes her artist’s soul by visiting museums, ancient ruins, and lovely outdoor spots where she photographs the colors of nature for future projects like her book for Jake. How generous and thoughtful to pass on her zeal for creativity and influence a grandchild with the love of art.
“It doesn’t matter what your roots are like. It’s about the flower.” This is Jan’s favorite quote, and the flower that emerged from Jan’s family roots is truly unique, as you will see if you are fortunate to meet Jan.
You will find Jan’s artistic creations displayed in the Paint & Palette window in the CATC building.
Be sure to look for the club’s next Art Exhibit in the clubhouse lobby themed “Art Is Our Happy Place,” which will occur Feb. 16-22. There will be a Meet the Artist reception with a cash bar on Feb. 22 from 5 to 7 p.m. After checking out the exhibit, join the Big Swing’n Band’s dance event at 6:30 p.m. in the clubhouse.
Hours for the Indian Paintbrush Room (Room 103) in the CATC building are Monday from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m., and during open studio on Fridays from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m. Dues are only $10 for the year. You just may be surprised to find yourself becoming a late-blooming artist!