Front: Vickie and Jere Bone with Nizhoni; back: Nancy Toppan with Angel, Pete Toppan, Kathy and Ed Heberlein, Melodye and Bobby Rogers, Mike and Millie Aramanda
Nancy Toppan
On a hot summer August evening, guests enjoyed an awesome array of chilled salads, fruits and veggies, Sangria and other favorite wines at Vickie and Jere Bone’s. Vickie served a delectable chocolate bundt cake and frozen ice cream bars for dessert.
The Game Gang played a jovial game of Mexican Train. Keeping it in the family, Mike Aramanda was the “big winnerr” while his wife Millie was the “big loser.” Mike won with a low score of 117 while Millie ended with a whopping 389 points.
Melodye Rogers claimed second place with 129 points, while Kathy Heberlein placed third with 151 points. Nancy Toppan brought in the most wins having a score of zero four times but failing to end up in the top three places.