Fish stories told here…some true!


Scott Baker

Lake Whitney, located on the Brazos and Nolan Rivers about two hours south of Denton, offers top-notched angling for striped bass. Never ones to pass up a good fishin’ hole, 15 members of the RR Fishing Club traveled down south for an overnight excursion.

At normal pool level, Lake Whitney covers 23,000 acres, has some 225 miles of shore line, and is about 45 “river miles” long. That’s a lot of water in anybody’s book. But we tried to narrow that down and whittled away most of the non-productive water. As boat anglers, we found stripers in the open reservoir feeding on large schools of shad or near submerged brush or timber.

With our guides, we fished slow, very slow. We fished every rock and stick and didn’t give up on a spot very easily. We landed 100+ pounds of striper using live shad as bait! We definitely won’t place in the money in any bass tournament…we can’t compete with those pros and don’t even try. We just enjoy our fishing and our hunt for that good old “bigger-n”.

At the end of the day we all agreed there’s no better fishing than on one of the state’s most beautiful lakes with guides providing everything we needed to make a great catch possible—quality gear, tackle, bait and lures. Our catch was cleaned and bagged, ready to go straight into the frying pan.

Scientific studies have proven that women multi-task better than men, so fishing is a great way for men to flex their strength at “mono-tasking”. Standing there with just a rod and a wish is something to which any man can certainly excel! Now there’s a reason to fish, so take care and always “set the hook”.

Plans are in the works for fishing destinations to Lake Erie Canada (walleye and steelhead), Lake Texoma (striper and bass), Lake Ray Roberts (crappie and bass) and Lake Tawakoni (catfish).

Interested in dropping a line? The RR Fishing Club meets the second Wednesday of each month at the Wildhorse Grill at 5:30 p.m. For any inquiries, comments or suggestions contact [email protected] or Scott Baker at 214-334-7664.