These fish were so big they had their own zip codes.
Scott Baker
Rockport is a well-kept secret in the larger world of fishing, but the Robson Ranch Fishing Club knows this area well for its incredible fishing all year round. It’s especially nice because it lacks the large crowds found in more popular launches, and it sits right in the middle of the best red and black drum habitat on the Texas Gulf Coast.
The club made its annual trek to these intercoastal waterways in late October. Over a course of three days, the 20 anglers traversed the Laguna Madre in search of this smart, athletic, and fierce sportfish. Not just a great challenge, the mild, sweet-flavored drum is also good eating.
Once setting our hook, we fought this big, powerful species sheltering among grass, vegetation, and other obstacles in shallow waters. And at day’s end, there was plenty for all to brag about as we reeled in our daily bag limit. As we high-fived and back-slapped one another, there was still one thing we all ended up haggling over: “What was the biggest catch?” How about that 29-inch red drum weighing in at 12 pounds?!
The eco-rich Texas Gulf Coast waters are a rare wonder, and the wildlife-watching alone was worth the visit—shorebirds, alligators, wild hogs, and dolphins. Throw in the abundant fish inhabiting these shallow waters waiting to get hooked, and we had some serious fun.
Never ones to turn down an opportunity to cast a line, plans are always in the works for the next fishing destination. Interested in dropping a line? The RR Fishing Club meets the second Wednesday of each month at the Wildhorse Grill Boardroom at 4 p.m. For any inquiries, comments, or suggestions, contact [email protected] or Scott Baker at 214-334-7664.