Friends 2023-24 officers (left to right): Past Chair Jane Scholz, Secretary Deb Blackburn, Vice Chair Deborah Diehl, Chair Elaine Kushmaul, Treasurer Frannie Howard
(photo by Jane Scholz)
Jane Scholz
Friends of the Library (FOL) gathered for its annual meeting in the clubhouse to learn that over the past six years, about $24,000 has been collected in dues and donations.
About $14,000 has been spent on the library since 2019, and we are about to invest another $1,000 for books and other materials.
“This generosity shows the interest of members of the FOL in supporting the library to the benefit of all RR residents—not just those contributing through membership in FOL,” said Jane Scholz who became past chair with the election of Elaine Kushmaul as chair at the meeting.
Books of all types have been purchased, but particularly valuable are the many large print books we’ve added. We’ve also purchased audiobooks on CD and puzzles with larger pieces.
Bookshelves have been purchased to allow for expansion of the collection. A Classics shelf was started. A few children’s books are available for the use of grandparents. Subscriptions have been purchased for online newspapers to be used on the RR Library computers. All purchases are made with the input of residents and a committee within the library.
FOL funded a Thank You Luncheon for the volunteers last October. We are planning a second Puzzle Palooza event in November.
Book discussions presented by RR residents have been organized, with extra copies of those books available in the library for check-out. The next one, on Sept 14 at 2:30 p.m. in the library, will focus on the dystopian novels Brave New World and 1984.
New officers elected were Chair Elaine Kushmaul and Vice Chair Deborah Diehl. Deb Blackburn was re-elected secretary.