Left to right: Patti Smith, Diane Bivens, Barbara Licata
Patti Smith
You may recall that in the December edition of the Pioneer Press our publicist for the past three years, Claudia Caporale, passed the writing pen to another member of the Living Well Committee. That member is me. It will be hard to follow in Claudia’s footsteps, but I will do my best.
In addition to myself, the committee has welcomed two other new members for 2024. Barbara Licata will be assisting with our website, keeping it updated with all the information you need to attend events, speeches, classes, etc., throughout the year. As a reminder, our website address is www.rrlwc.weebly.com. Diane Bivens will manage the community garden, ensuring the garden boxes are maintained appropriately by the renters.
I know it does not feel like it, but spring is coming and with it the chance to get out and work the earth planting your vegetables, herbs, or flowers. As a reminder, gardeners must have planted these items in the garden boxes by Memorial Day weekend.
It is hard to believe that we are already into the second month of 2024. Your Living Well Committee hit the ground running with an informative presentation by Travis Weaver on Jan. 4. It was standing room only for residents who were able to ask questions and receive important answers regarding all things wills and trusts in the State of Texas. We continued the monthly speaker series on Feb. 8 with a presentation from Orthopedic Associates on feet, ankles, and other joints.
One easy way to keep your health on track this year is to take advantage of the free blood pressure checks provided every Wednesday morning from 9 to 10 a.m. in the Pinnacle Fitness Center.
You won’t want to miss our huge Robson Ranch annual Health Fair on Saturday, March 23. The clubhouse will be bustling with informative health care professionals and other related health care providers. Anything and everything you wanted to know about health care will be available to you at the fair.