Our beautiful Thanksgiving arrangements
Claudia Welton
Several years ago when the last house on Gallery Street was built, the neighbors gathered for a get-together to meet each other. Since everyone was fairly new to Robson Ranch it was easy to share life experiences, and each neighbor was a newfound friend! The ladies decided that we wanted to keep it going, so we set aside one evening each month to meet at a neighbor’s home, and we named ourselves the Gallery Street Girls. The Gallery Street Girls gather together once a month from September to May to keep in touch as neighbors and friends, to share what is going on in our lives, to support each other in little things such as borrowing supplies and giving each other rides and to support one another in times of need and crisis.
The hostess each month chooses a theme or activity, some of which have been making cards, having a tea party, playing a game, or a potluck dinner with husbands and guests. We also enjoy just sitting around the table and talking! The men of Gallery Street occasionally have their own get-togethers at the same time as the girls. In September we said goodbye to Olivia Bittikoffer who sold her house, and this month we welcomed Jodie Konvicka, our newest Gallery Street Girl.
November’s get-together was held at the Sterling’s home. Cindy asked us to bring shelled out pumpkins, and after we had drinks and visited for a while we moved to her dining room table where she had a variety of autumn flowers, leaves and berries for us to make beautiful Thanksgiving arrangements in our pumpkins. We were all delighted with the results and amazed at what accomplished floral professionals we had become in just one evening!
December’s event will be at the Scharnberg’s home, and we will have a cookie exchange. Each Christmas season Ingrid displays her children’s holiday book collection, many of which are from long, long ago. It is so fun to meet up with a book that we recognize from our children’s youth or even our own childhood! We will each bring two dozen cookies and create a take-home package of a variety of sweet goodies. The husbands and grandchildren always love this part of the holiday season!