Tammie Manley-Gurley, Denton County Master Gardener
Erminja Maganja, Garden Club Publicity Chair
The Garden Club held its first meeting of the 2022-23 club year on Sept. 19. Our group learned a great deal from our dynamic speaker Tammie Manley-Gurley, a Denton County Master Gardener (DCMA), as she discussed what we can do to help butterflies survive. Tammie also had some reference materials profiling backyard wildlife corridors for sun and shade.
The regal monarch butterfly travels through Texas during its annual migration. Sadly, their population continues to decline. monarchs need nectar for fuel and safe places to drink (wet, muddy soil). With the destruction of habitat, increased use of herbicides and pesticides, and lack of life-nourishing milkweed, many experts, including Texas A&M etymologists, believe monarchs are in a battle for survival.
The need for nectar plants (like zinnia and salvia) and milkweed host plants for larvae and energy sources for adults applies to all monarch and butterfly populations. If you’d like to learn more about butterflies or wish to create a backyard waystation to help provide a healthy butterfly habitat, please visit monarchwatch.org/waystations.
Tammie suggested the book Butterfly Gardening for Texas, by Geyata Ajilvsgi (available on Kindle). Locally, the DCMA provides all manner of excellent programs. To learn more, visit dcmga.com.
Next up: We received very positive reception to our upcoming Monday, Oct. 17, field trip to Clark Gardens in Weatherford, Texas. We will travel by carpool, meeting at the clubhouse at 9:15 a.m. and departing at 9:30 a.m. By the time you are reading this, the event will likely be sold out. We will keep a short waitlist. If you registered to attend but are unable to do so or have questions about this field trip, please contact Linda Lilley at 501-269-5737 or [email protected].
Clark Gardens began in 1972 as the private garden of Max and his late wife Billie Clark. After spending years creating a visually stunning and tranquil landscape in this rugged place, the Clarks established a Foundation in 1999, donating 143 acres and opening the Gardens for public enjoyment. The Gardens have been called a botanical masterpiece. They demonstrate the value of native Texas, Texas-adaptable, and drought-tolerant plants. Docents will guide us on a lovely two-hour tour of the grounds.
We invite you to join and participate in our club events. Everyone is welcome, and we especially love RR newcomers! Annual dues are an affordable $10 per family.
Our club officers are Lori Slocum, president; Linda Lilley and Betsy Duncan, co-VPs programs; Janice Brown, treasurer; Barbara Geiser, membership; Lisa Lebsack, secretary; Letha Straub, Yard of the Month; and Erminja Maganja, publicity.
For questions about the Garden Club, contact Erminja at [email protected] or 916-804-5551.