Genealogy Club News

Chani Owen

I am sure everyone is aware of the CATC building closure for part of February and March. We have rescheduled the February class to March 21 at 7 p.m. in the CATC, Room 104.

Terry Babcock will share his knowledge of Church Records in Colonial Rhode Island and the Massachusetts Bay Colony. He is a retired thoracic surgeon and has lived at Robson Ranch since 2004. He became interested in family history, particularly DNA genealogy, about four years ago. Terry has traced his paternal line to Colonial Rhode Island in the 1600s. He is currently serving as the president of the Robson Ranch Genealogy Club.

There are no Help Sessions for the month of March.

The Genealogy Club welcomes all Robson Ranch residents. Annual dues are $20 per person or $30 per couple. For more information on programs or the club, please contact any club board member at [email protected].