Girls on Wheels absorbing the ultimate wellness experience in Himalayan salt therapy (photo by Vicki Baker)
Vicki Baker
We think we have it down pat when it comes to everyday wellness issues. Headache? Pop an over-the-counter pain pill. Can’t sleep? Chew a melatonin supplement. Seasonal allergies? There’s a medicine for that, too. But what if we could feel better just by breathing—no medication required? Well, Girls on Wheels (Vicki Baker, Cassie Richardson, Shirley Monge, Susan Hebert, Lois Reinhart, and Nancy Burns) gave it a try at Just Breathe Salt Spa and Sauna.
Halotherapy, also called salt room therapy, makes a lot of claims as an alternative treatment for curing the common cold, decreasing allergy symptoms, detoxifying the lymphatic systems, improving sleep, and alleviating some skin conditions. How could spending an hour inside a dark room surrounded by salt possibly accomplish all the powerful healing benefits it touts? Although skeptical, we went in with an open mind.
Removing our shoes upon entering the therapy room, we immediately dug our toes into the beach-like floor of loose pink Himalayan salt. It felt heavenly to our bare feet. One wall was built entirely of pink Himalayan salt bricks. The lights were dimmed, and salt rock lamps tucked into corners and crevices gave the room a subdued, amber glow.
We took seats in each of the luxuriously comfortable zero-gravity chairs (basically a minimalist recliner), allowing us to stretch out and prop our legs in a comfortable position. The air was dry and cool, with the temperature set to around 68°F. Blankets were available, but on this 90-degree day, being in the cool cave felt healing in itself. A calming, peaceful soundtrack of the gentle ebb and flow of ocean waves played in the background.
The door was closed, and we were left to relax and enjoy the blissful silence while the salt did its magic. A machine outside the room (a halogenerator) filled the air with the perfect density of therapeutic, medical-grade salt micro-particles. Unlike table salt, which is stripped of most of its natural minerals and fortified with iodine, Himalayan rock salt is rich in minerals such as calcium, potassium, magnesium, sodium, iodine, bromine, and copper. So, in theory, we absorb these minerals when we breathe the salty air.
Nearly an hour later, we emerged in a dazed peacefulness. The experience was a bit like meditation or yoga—without any mantras or downward-facing dog poses. With no technology, peaceful music playing, and low lights, we felt totally relaxed, unplugged, and recharged. The Himalayan salt therapy soothed the mind, body, and soul. What did Girls on Wheels do to receive the benefits of this natural approach to wellness? Just breathe!