Your Robson Ranch Gun Club Leadership Team
Mary Ellen Steibel
Your Robson Ranch Gun Club has wrapped up a busy and successful year. Our membership has increased from 319 to 414 members, roughly a 30% increase. Women make up approximately 25% of the membership and increased from 63 to 110 members. The club has several “firsts” this year, including a highly successful social event at the Wildhorse Grill where 125 members enjoyed socializing and a wonderful buffet dinner. The club also participated for the first time in the Robson 4th of July parade and was greeted with cheers and accolades along the parade route. Thanks to the generosity of our members, we were able to give back to the community by providing gift baskets to the Denton County Sheriff’s office. These baskets were part of a fundraiser held at the annual Law Enforcement Awards ceremony.
Additionally, the historical arms group hosted four special evening presentations, including historical overviews and amazing displays from Robson collectors. The topics included “Winchester: First 100 Year,” “.22 Rifles of the World,” “Bayonets of the World,” and “Long Guns of the Old West.” Each presentation attracted a large number of guests who were able to view many rare pieces displayed by our safety monitors.
The training group offered several classes throughout the year. A subset of these classes was conducted for women only and included Basic Pistol, the Texas License to Carry course and qualification and the NRA Refuse to be a Victim class. This same set of classes was offered a second time for all Robson residents. Additionally, a gun cleaning seminar was conducted.
The women’s group participated in training events with several national women’s organizations, including Shoot Like a Girl and A Girl and A Gun. Several members attended the Women’s Empowerment Program sponsored by the Denton County Sheriff’s Office where we learned mental and physical aspects of self-defense.
The range day group hosted monthly get-togethers at local ranges where members were able to practice and keep their skills sharp. These friendly, non-competitive range events were usually followed by lunch at a local restaurant.
The sporting clays group hosted weekly shoots, primarily at Fossil Pointe in Decatur. Some members shoot the full course of 100 targets, while others opt to shoot only 50 targets. The group generally shares a meal after completing the course of fire.
As you can see, there is something for everyone! We would love to have you join us. The mission of the club is to promote safety, education, and legal sporting and recreational uses of firearms through the fellowship of its members. General meetings are held at 1 p.m. on the second Tuesday of each month at the clubhouse.
For more information, please contact Mike Moss, Gun Club vice president and board member, at [email protected].