Russ Bafford was the presenter at the Gun Club meeting.
Dave Parker
The Robson Ranch Gun Club had a familiar speaker for the July meeting. Russ Bafford, our current president, was the featured speaker. Russ is one of our most knowledgeable members on all gun topics and is an NRA instructor and a license to carry instructor. The topic for the meeting was NRA firearms training courses available. Courses available through the NRA include Defensive Pistol, Basics of Pistol Shooting, Pistol Marksmanship Simulator Training, Basic Metallic Reloading, Basic Muzzleloading Shooting, First Steps Rifle Orientation, Basic Rifle Shooting, Basic Shotgun Shooting and Basic Personal Protection in the Home and Outside the Home. Russ provided some real life examples of safety and the benefits of gun training.
In addition to a monthly meeting, there are many individual gun interest groups. Groups include the Women’s Group, Antique Gun Group, Tactical Handgun Group, Reloading Group, Hunting Group, Clay Group and Retired Law Enforcement Group. To join the Gun Group email Dave Parker at [email protected]. There are no dues to belong to the club.