Celebrating camaraderie with a huge and happy turnout at the Wildhorse Lounge & Bar
Larry Hampton
With over 400 members comprising five different Interest Groups, it is hard to get to know all your potential friends with our shared passion for firearms, history, and shooting sports. In this Active 55+ community, we’re also competing for time with other club activities, work (for some), clubhouse room schedules, and families. Bottom line, too often members cannot participate during the week in all the club activities they may wish.
Recognizing this gap, our Gun Club decided to hold a Social & Dinner on a Sunday evening where we could reserve the whole Robson Ranch Wildhorse Grill and Bar.
On July 10 the Gun Club held this hugely successful evening social gathering with over 120 members and spouses in attendance. From 5 to 5:30 p.m. everyone arrived, got their raffle tickets, and settled into a table, mostly (as is usually the case) with their current friends. At 5:30 p.m., Club President Larry Hampton “stirred up the pot” by asking everyone to get up, leave their table, and mix and mingle with people they did not know. Everyone was asked to meet at least two other couples! Much to Larry’s surprise, this actually worked better than expected, with everyone on their feet for the next hour until dinner was served at 6:30 p.m.
The Grill staff served an excellent Italian buffet, and cake and cupcakes were provided by Sam’s Club for dessert. From 7:30 to 7:45 p.m. there was a short program where four raffle door prizes were handed out. Last, but not least, three Gun Club members were awarded trophies for their “Exceptional Service” to the club. Congratulations to Mel Steibel for her leadership of the club’s Women’s Group, Bill Davis for his Training programs, and Miguel Ondina of the Historical Arms Interest Group for his role in this year’s evening presentations.
At closing, there was a unanimous vote to “Do It Again.” Thanks to all for another successful Robson Ranch Gun Club event.
The mission of our Robson Ranch Gun Club is to provide an opportunity and forum for our members to meet, share their interest in firearms, participate in various forms of shooting sports, and provide a learning environment for all skill levels of firearm ownership and uses. Our monthly meeting is the second Tuesday of the month at 1 p.m., in the clubhouse. Safety is always our primary concern and is a shared responsibility of each member.
For more information, please contact Club President Larry Hampton at [email protected], or Vice President Mike Moss at [email protected].