Linda Becker, Carolyn Detjen, Nancy Lussier, Liz Katz, Jan Marx and Sarah Cunningham show off the beginnings of sculptures.
Jan Marx
Mid-July and temperatures are beginning to rise. How do potters deal with the heat? With classes, of course. Video classes are a good way to see and learn from professionals. Not only can we watch them on our TV/DVD player in the pottery room, but also we are fortunate to have the across-the-hall big screen to use with large gatherings.
Want a hands-on class? Judie Smothers, one of our resident sculptors, recently shared her expertise in face building. Beginning with a slab of clay, made the members wonder how anyone could make a head out of it. It wasn’t long, however, before eyes, noses and mouths began to grow on the fronts of cylinders we made from the slabs. With a few simple rules of face construction and individual help from Judie, the new sculptors began creating their unique “people.” Look for a display to appear in the Happy Potters window in the CATC building. Every face is different.
Finally, an orientation class for new members begins in mid-September. Those interested should come by and sign up as soon as possible. Classes are limited but worth the time!