Hearts and Love for Sassy Stampers

Cherlyn Conway

A new year, a new board, and many new ideas and surprises await the Sassy Stampers Club. The club’s first monthly meeting for 2023 was held on Jan. 21. Stampers were anxious about a new year and arrived early to snag a prime seat and catch up with fellow stampers. No doubt you could hear the chatter all through the CATC! It was slim pickins to find a seat if you arrived right at 10 a.m. or later.

The drawing was held for the Hobby Lobby gift cards (a Stamper’s best friend) after the business part of the meeting was done. Debbie Warrick and Lynne Mckeown were the lucky winners this month for bringing a card for the window and being a volunteer for this month’s project. All were encouraged to bring cards for next month’s window with colors of green and white and get in the drawing for a gift card.

Bobbie Witt, the project leader for January, presented to us the Pinwheel Tower Card. This card is full of possibilities, with four panels to add your sentiments, and will be a very versatile and fun card to add to our idea library for future crafting.

This month the designer paper focused on the upcoming Valentine’s Day with many colors of pink and reds and many heart and love patterns. Table teachers gave guidance and suggestions to their tables as cards were created and crafted for a special someone made by loving hands that convey messages of heartfelt love. I hope some of you might be a lucky recipient of this month’s card.

We encourage all our members to RSVP when the Group Works announcement gets published for the next meeting. Our club has grown leaps and bounds and, unfortunately, we must limit the number of Stampers for each meeting. The board is working on rearranging our room to accommodate more Stampers so all who want to participate will have a seat. The yearly dues of $20 are now due for club members.

For information on the Sassy Stampers Club, you can contact Club President JoAnn Gantos at [email protected] or 817-832-2739. Make time to stop by the CATC and check out the cards with colors of love as they adorn the Sassy Stampers window.

Until next month, here’s a little something to ponder on: “Creativity is intelligence havin’ fun.” Keep on stampin’!