Award honorees: Bill Wright, Kathy Perry, Carol Rauhauser, Gerald Jones, Mike Weaver, Betsy Sheats and Genny Bunker
Carol Rauhauser and Vicki Baker
What do you get when you mix together 57 people, add boundless energy, combine with compassion and stir in dedication—the Kiwanis Club Robson Ranch. And through the hard work of its members, KCRR soon finishes out a successful year of projects and fundraisers all contributing to the betterment of our community. On September 18, Carol Rauhauser, President, set aside a day of recognitions, awards and honors much to the surprise of the packed room of Kiwanians.
It would well exceed the Pioneer Press editorial word limit to mention all the honorees and their contributions to the club, but suffice to say that throughout the year these individuals stepped up to the plate and volunteered for the Aktion Club, chili cook-off, Cumberland Children’s Home, silent auction, garage sale, Kiwanis One Day, Grands Golf Outing, K-Kids, Meals on Wheels, trauma dolls, cookbook, Taste of North Texas, Interfaith Ministry toiletry collection, Salvation Army Bell Ringers, ramp building, school mentoring, youth/service leadership programs, magic show, bingo, pancake breakfast, RR Source Books, July 4 Picnic, Boys and Girls Club and Texas Motor Speedway Service. Whew! That was exhausting, and that doesn’t even include behind-the-scenes duties that keep the club running.
KCRR couldn’t remain successful without the stalwart leadership of Carol Rauhauser, president; Barbara Leurig, president elect; Dave Everly, past president; Marv Daniel, treasurer; and Ralph Bunker, secretary. The unwavering and hardworking board members and committee chairs, 25 individuals in all, tirelessly spearheaded and commanded the club’s many service projects.
KCRR achieved Model Club status for the Kiwanis International Eliminate Project, a project devoted to eliminating maternal and neonatal tetanus worldwide. The club pledged $39,000 over a five-year period. In just two and one-half years, we reached that goal! The prestigious Walter Zeller Award was granted to three extraordinary and deserving individuals for their continued giving and philanthropy: Marv Daniels, Tanya Jones and Mike Weaver.
Special recognition was bestowed upon Jim Jenkins who was instrumental in designing and conducting a Robson Ranch mentoring course. Throughout his time with KCRR, Jim focused on mentoring at two Denton elementary schools, replacement of school playground equipment and the scholarship program.
The Above and Beyond Award identifies a club member in recognition of exemplary service for significant contributions “above and beyond,” and this special honor went to Kathy Perry. Kathy supported and reinforced the values of KCRR and exhibited a high level of commitment, initiative, and dedication to each and every project she engaged in.
Hillary Clinton stated, “It takes a village….” This is our village. So many dedicated people—those who commit to chair committees and projects and those who Larry Brown refers to as “grunts”—who are not afraid to get hands, faces, clothes and shoes dirty and give of time, energy and money so the lives of others can be enriched, thereby enriching our own lives. That’s who we are and this is what we do—WE ARE KIWANIANS!