First place teeam, Wits End, 73 Points: Rick Parent, Jeff Duncan, Dennis Ogren, Karen Wesselmann, Jan Lamp, Sponsor Bertha Hurels, Sheri Twiggs, Pat Powers, Alice and Jim Hendricks

Second place team, 8 Shades of Gray Matter, 71 Points: Rick Parent, Mike Herzig, Steve and Cindy Haugen, Linda Smith, Sherry and Steve Hansel, Susan Volgamore, Karen DiPietro, Sponsor Bertha Hurels

Third place team, Village Idiots, 70 Points: Rick Parent, Cindy McMahon, Tom and Ingrid Scharnberg, Paige McLeod, Lynne and Ken McKeown, Claudia Welton, Sponsor Bertha Hurels, Mike Welton
Althea Parent
The first 2017 HOA Trivia Night was the start of the fifth year. Once again it was a big hit. There were 19 playing teams and three spectator teams. However, a couple of team were short players due to illness, and some first time spectators jumped in and played. All those who attended had a great time. Teams find it’s best to go with your gut but sometimes talk each other out of the right answer. Jonathan Chance and Bertha Hurels from Dignity Memorial that provide pre-planning and funeral services co-sponsored with the activities coordinator, Althea Parent. This is always special night as the February Trivia celebrates Althea’s birthday and now eighth year as a Robson employee. Althea provided cupcakes, snack mix and candy while Jonathan and Bertha provided the eight door prizes. Althea also had a surprise $50 Visa Gift Card as a final door prize, which was given before final scores were announced.
There were several easy questions this time, but several of the players had to dig deep to find the answers to the tougher ones. As always Althea Parent was the MC, Jonathan and Rick Parent provided the music extraordinaire; the music was a big hit again. Bertha called out the door prizes winning tickets and gave “Did you know” tips about pre-planning one’s end of life.
There are six rounds, which are made up of three questions each, and teams bet points on their answers. The halftime question had 10 possible answers, and teams received one point for each correct answer. There were four teams that got all 10 correct so they received an extra point for being so darn smart. The final question was worth 20 points, and teams bet a minimum of one point or all 20 points. Several teams went for broke and bet all their points; however, nobody got the final question correct this time.
The categories vary each Trivia Night, but here are a few of the questions from the February Trivia. Answers are at the bottom.
1. Last Movie: What was John Belushi’s last movie?
2. Gambling: Charles Fey introduced what popular gambling innovations in 1899?
3. Sports: What two teams played in the first Super Bowl?
4. Computers: The first mass email was sent to 400 customers May 1, 1978 by whom (name of person)?
Yes, eight teams members working together as one…no use of cell phones…no call a friend!
The winning team members each received Wildhorse Grill Gift Certificates.
Wits End – 73 points
8 Shades of Gray Matter – 71 points
Village Idiots – 70 points
Mark your calendars for the next 2017 Trivia Night Friday, May 5, 7:00-9:30 p.m. Take in dinner at the Grill and then come ready to play!
Answers: 1. Neighbors; 2. Slot Machine; 3. Kansas City Chiefs (10) to Green Bay Packers (34); 4. Gary Thurek, Marketing Manager for Digital Equipment Corporation.