Second place team, Silly and Stupid: Jeff and Karen Synnett, Tony and Gloria Baer, Curtis and Janet Barnett and Bill and Shirley Revering

Third place team, Mental Maniacs: Mary Van Sant, Joan Moyer, Janie Farnsworth, Mary Ornberg, Joann Bostwick, Deb Allen and Chris and Mike Melo

First place team, The Village Idiots: Mike Welton, Doyle Mannschreck, Tom and Ingrid Scharnberg, Connor and Paige McLeod and Ken and Lynne McKeown
Althea Parent
This first 2016 HOA Trivia Night was the start of the fourth year. Once again it was a big hit. There were 21 playing teams and three spectator teams; all those who attended had a great time. Teams find it’s best to go with your gut but sometimes talk each other out of the right answer. As a bonus, the activities coordinator, Althea Parent, sponsored the February event to celebrate her birthday and seventh year as a Robson employee. She provided cupcakes and several restaurant, movie and Starbucks gift cards as door prizes. The final door prize was given away by flipping a coin, and the attendees had to call heads or tails. If wrong, they sat down and this continued until there were six contestants remaining. They came to the front of the room and were eliminated if they guessed wrong. Joann Bostwick was the lucky winner of the $50 grand prize gift card.
There were several easy questions this time, but several of the players had to dig deep to find the answers. As always Althea Parent was the MC, and her husband Rick was the music extraordinaire. Rick played all the hits from our era including Village People’s YMCA after the reading of one question, and people got up and danced instead of filling out their answers.
We play six rounds, which are made up of three questions each, and teams bet points on their answers. The half-time question had 10 possible answers, and teams received one point for each correct answer. The final question was worth 20 points, and teams bet a minimum of one point or all 20 points. Several teams went for broke and bet all their points…some were correct and others wrong.
The categories vary each Trivia Night, but here are a few of the questions from the February Trivia. Answers are at the bottom.
1. Dates: What year was the USO founded?
2. ABC’s: What is the shortest word that uses all five vowels in the English language?
3. Women in Politics: Elected in 1916, she was the subject of a 1995 biography called Bright Star in the Big Sky.
4. Final question, Business History: List the names of the two men, both engineers, that met and formed a partnership at England’s Midland Hotel in May 1904.
Yes, eight team members working together as one…no use of cell phones…no call a friend! A few spectators joined team that had missing players due to illness and had a blast.
The winning team members each received Wildhorse Grill Gift Certificates.
The Village Idiots 66 points; Silly and Stupid 65 points; Mental Maniacs 64 points
Mark your calendars for the next 2016 Trivia Night. Friday, May 6, 7:00-9:30 p.m. Take in dinner at the Grill and then come ready to play!
Answers: 1. 1941; 2. Sequoia; 3. Jeannette Rankin; 4. Rolls and Royce