Lynne Moore
The Jewish Friendship Group meets for brunch the second Sunday of the month in the Bandera Room of the Clubhouse at 11:00 a.m. Our next meeting will be on September 10. Each month different folks act as hosts with members providing traditional foods and treats. It is a wonderful time for us to get together and share stories about our travels, what our grandchildren have been doing, new activities in which we are involved, plays we have seen or books we have read. It is a really nice time to enjoy those goodies we loved growing up and share our experiences. It is not a religious organization, but we do participate in some traditional celebrations such as Hanukkah and Passover. Only one person in a couple has to be Jewish to participate. Please come and join us on September 10. You may contact me at 262-0278 or Phyllis Ayers at 252-3009 for more information. Hope to see you then.