Ruby-throated Hummingbird on her nest at Lake Forest Park
John Kirk
Are you interested the birds that can be seen on the Ranch or in Denton County? The newly organized birding group at the Ranch may just be the group for you. We had our organizational meeting in April and have made several birding trips. Our first trip was to the area around the dog park and gardens. We have also been to Hagerman NWR, Clear Creek Heritage Trails, Lake Forest Park and the Lewisville Environmental Learning Area. You might be surprised to know that over 100 different birds have been seen at the Ranch in the past year. Currently there are Western Kingbirds, Scissor-tailed Flycatchers, Dickcissels, cardinals and many mockingbirds. Birders at all levels of experience are welcome to join us. For more information on the group and our upcoming activities contact John Kirk at 262-0489 or [email protected].