David Seering with Kermit the Frog (photo by Gayle Coe)
The excellent Women’s Club monthly luncheon programs continue to update, enlighten, and entertain!
Monthly luncheons are $19 per person. Reserve your seat by making your reservation payment by the deadline.
As a recap, President Nancy Caldwell opened the August luncheon by noting that while we were experiencing the “dog days” of August, there are many interesting facts associated with August. She proceeded to provide the current business updates. Membership stands at 494 members. Immediately following, Sunshine Chairperson Shirley Monge led the room in “Happy Birthday” for the attendees celebrating an August birthday! President-elect Lisa Olson introduced new members, first-time attendees, and guests. President Caldwell also recognized the check-in assistants, greeters, and table decorators, all of whom do an exemplary job!
Community Outreach Chairperson Donna Gardner introduced Brittany Jackson with Friends of the Family. Brittany thanked the Women’s Club for their continuing generosity. The Women’s Club donated an abundant amount of school supplies and cash donations, which filled 130 backpacks. An additional $420 was donated at the luncheon to support their program.
Chris Anderson was the winner of the Share Our Blessings drawing and received a certificate for a free lunch. Following the announcements, Chris Anderson reminded everyone that the Holiday Market will be on Oct. 14. Volunteers are requested, especially husbands. Contact Chris Anderson at 817-683-3823.
Holiday Market raffle tickets will be sold at the October luncheon. The prize for the raffle will be worth over $1,000! Bring cash or check to purchase the winning ticket!
The program provided a very entertaining afternoon, with an exceptional performance by David Seering. He is a singer and performer extraordinaire! He performed hit songs one after another from the great singers Frank Sinatra, Elvis, Tony Bennett, and more. His wonderful voice, combined with his entertaining presence, added to the fun when his friend Kermit the Frog joined him for a couple of duets. Great time!
Announcing the October program! The October luncheon is Monday, Oct. 2. The speaker is Dr. Charles Kurkul, who is board certified in internal medicine, hematology, and medical oncology. He will cover a wide range of topics about the medical changes in treatment plans today. He will include interesting facts regarding his medical knowledge. Please join us for an enlightening discussion!
Charity of the Month: Friends of the Family
Buffet Menu: Pork loin, maple BBQ glaze, jasmine rice and steamed vegetables, apple crumb bake
Luncheon checks are due by Monday, Sept. 25, at 8 a.m.
You may pay ($19) by dropping your check in the Cimarron Sports Center Women’s Lounge in the mailbox on the wall or with PayPal. Go to the Women’s Club website, rrwomensclub.org.
For luncheon questions, contact Sandra at [email protected] or 972-658-8150.
Do you want to join the Women’s Club? Annual dues are $20 for the calendar year. You may pay at the October luncheon. Stop by the Membership table and drop off your check and membership form.
For membership questions, contact Rita Paxton at 806-893-1106 or [email protected].