There is no better way to burn fat than with a few high rep sets of kettlebell swings. Kettlebell exercises work your body as one unit and require a great deal of hard work. The harder you work the more calories you burn.
Combine this with the benefits of TRX training and you get an incredible core, cardio and strength workout that can help improve any sport or activity you are involved in. TRX training challenges your core because of the nature of using instability to maintain stability while you are performing an exercise.
You might be asking, “What is TRX?” TRX stands for Total Body Resistance Exercise using your own body weight and gravity to build you up while at the same time preventing injuries. You are able to adjust to your fitness level easily and safely by moving closer or farther away from the anchor point. No changing weights or equipment, you just move to a different placement. It’s challenging and safe at the same time.
Wally Sagui is Russian Kettlebell Certified and is a Level 1 TRX Qualified Instructor. If you are interested in this class, please give Wally a call or text at 940-465-1008 or catch him at the Fitness Center.
Exercise is good for you and you will feel better! In case you haven’t heard yet, sitting is the new smoking…so whether you do one of these workouts or any other, at least get up and move!