Rhett Hubbard announcing winner of Electric Bike Raffle
Members of the Kiwanis Club of Robson Ranch had a very busy month of April. The month concluded with the general meeting where Rhett Hubbard, general manager of the HOA, drew the winning ticket for the Electric Bike Raffle. Rhett provided some updates on HOA activities and is always a very special guest at the meetings. Dr. Janet Scott-Harris, member of the City of Denton Community Services Advisory Board, spoke to the club also. Dr. Scott-Harris is a Robson resident and provided the club with an overview of how the board advises the Denton City Council on programs, services, and the use of public services to address complex social problems facing the city. The members are very appreciative of Dr. Scott-Harris’ dedication to our city.
At the first meeting of the month, the club members were enlightened to the realities of bank, social media, and Internet fraud. Staff members from UMB Bank and a fraud detective from the Denton Police Department presented a very thorough explanation of how the current increase in both bank and Internet fraud is impacting our community. The group gave real-life examples of how various fraud techniques are being used to capture the attention of victims. The staff of UMB Bank, who are frequently at the branch here at Robson, invites anyone who has concerns about the legitimacy of phone or email messages to contact them for help. Likewise, the fraud detectives at the Denton Police Department are available for assistance.
In other activities during the month, the Kiwanis Club had a very successful Bazaar, which is held annually prior to the Spring Music Club Concert. Eighteen local neighbors and vendors set up spectacular displays of their products and services. We thank the HOA staff for another great job in setting up the clubhouse for the event.
Members of the club volunteered to help the Denton Noon Kiwanis Club during their major fundraiser Taste of North Texas. The proceeds from Taste of North Texas are used to fund the Kiwanis Denton Children’s Clinic. In recent years, the clinic has served as many as 500 underprivileged children per year, providing medical, dental, and prescription care.
For Easter, the club shopped for and delivered food for the families at Cumberland Youth and Family Services. The club annually provides food at Easter, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. Cumberland Youth and Family Services primarily supports youth in foster care, young adults aging out of foster care, and single-parent families.
We always invite Robson Ranch residents to visit our meetings to learn about our group and our activities. We routinely have speakers at the meetings from charity organizations or informational presentations that affect our community.