Pictured are John Derry (left) and Roy Meyer (right).
Each year the Kiwanis Club of Robson Ranch honors one of its members as the Kiwanian of the Year for their service to the club and Kiwanis. This year the members selected Roy Meyer.
Roy joined Kiwanis in 1977 while living in Temple, Texas. He was very active in the club there and served in many leadership roles, as president, treasurer, and others.
When Roy and his wife Molly moved to Robson Ranch, he joined the Robson Ranch Kiwanis Club and immediately became active in all club activities. He served as the president and continues now as the treasurer. Roy participates in all of the club activities and fundraisers.
John Derry, president, introduced Roy as a true Servant Leader and stated, “A Servant Leader is someone who goes beyond one’s own self-interests and having a genuine concern to serve others and a motivation to lead.”
The Kiwanis Club is honored to have Roy and so many dedicated members who work so hard to help the children of Denton County.