Wreaths Across America 2024
Kiwanis Club
On behalf of the Kiwanis Club of Robson Ranch, we thank everyone who donated wreaths for National Wreaths Across America Day. Your donation honors an American hero with the placement of a veteran’s wreath so that we may never forget their sacrifice to this country. Wreaths Across America honored more than three million veterans at 4,909 participating locations nationwide with the help of 7,566 sponsorship groups.
On Dec. 14, 2024, the Wreaths Across America Ceremony took place at the Dallas-Fort Worth National Veterans Cemetery to Remember and Honor our veterans through the laying of Remembrance wreaths on the graves of our country’s fallen heroes. Every veteran’s name was spoken that day!
The goal for the DFW National Cemetery was 58,600 wreaths! We’re happy to report that the number was surpassed, as there were over 62,500 wreaths donated.
Participating organizations begin planning and selling wreaths starting in January of 2025. This is a yearlong process, culminating in ceremonies and wreath laying on Saturday, Dec. 13, 2025!
We truly appreciate your continued support for this mission to honor every veteran with a remembrance wreath. You are the backbone, and we could not do this without you!
Randy Blackburn, a Kiwanis Club member and Army veteran, has led Wreaths Across America in community efforts for the past 15 years. The Kiwanis Club appreciates Randy’s experience and dedication for making this a successful program.

Barbara Leurig (left) with Chris Laffey
Kiwanis Club Presents the George F. Hixson Award
In 1983 the Kiwanis Children’s Fund established the George F. Hixson Fellowship. Named for Kiwanis International’s first president, Hixson Fellowships are awarded to donors who give $1,000 or more to the Children’s Fund. It’s a way of recognizing people who have contributed significantly to Kiwanis’ history of generosity. In fact, clubs and Kiwanians often give in honor of another person or organization, recognizing others’ help and commitment with a Hixson Fellowship.
Chris Laffey was selected this year to receive the Hixson Award for her service to our club. The club has donated $1,000 to the Children’s Fund in her honor.
Chris served several terms as the club secretary as we returned to activity after the COVID-19 days, and she worked hard to keep our club current on Kiwanis business. We all appreciate Chris’ cheerful help at our club activities and fundraisers.

Left to right: Bill Wilson, Toby Thomason, Kelly Fiore-Watson
Fred Moore High School Leaders Brief Kiwanis Club Members
At a recent meeting, Bill Wilson, Kiwanis Club president, introduced Toby Thomason, principal of Fred Moore High School, and Kelly Fiore-Watson, special education and theater teacher at Fred Moore High School.
Toby provided a history of Fred Moore High School. Originally established in 1909, Fred Moore High School was first named Fred Douglas High School, serving the African-American community. In 1950 the school was renamed after Fred Moore, a former teacher and principal at Douglas High who remained connected to the community. It is the legacy of Fred Moore and his rise from poverty to attain an advanced degree and become a community leader that inspires the work of the staff and students at Fred Moore High School.
Kelly provided heartwarming examples of several students who overcame major life challenges to receive their high school diplomas. She highlighted the school staffing and the uniqueness of how each student works to attain their diploma.
Fred Moore High School provides a true alternative climate where students can graduate at an accelerated pace under the guidance of highly qualified classroom teachers. Fred Moore helps students to stay in school, especially those facing challenging circumstances. It is a great alternative for students who want a change from the traditional high school setting. To enhance that compassionate learning environment, Fred Moore offers small classes and flexible schedules within regular school hours to assist students in accelerating their academic goals.
• Early graduation. There are two graduation ceremonies each year, in the fall and spring.
• Recommended and distinguished diplomas. Fred Moore students receive the same high school diplomas offered by the district’s traditional campuses, which are accepted at all accredited colleges and universities.
• Rigorous curriculum. Coursework is provided online, and each Fred Moore High School student is provided a device on which to work. Lessons are completed independently with teacher tutoring and support. The course work is accelerated to require 10 semester credits versus the normal 8.
• Accelerated pacing. Students are enrolled in the next course on their graduation plan as soon as they are ready rather than at the end of the semester.
• Scholarship opportunities. The staff encourages and assists with scholarship opportunities and applications. The Kiwanis Club provided two scholarships this year.
Join the Kiwanis Club of Robson Ranch in 2025
The Kiwanis Club of Robson Ranch “Serving the Children and Families of Denton County”
Organizations Supported in Denton County:
The Rainbow Room, Justin Community Clothes Closet, Cumberland Family and Youth Center, Freedom House of Denton, Habitat for Humanity, Refuge for Women, Our Daily Bread, and the Salvation Army, just to name a few.
Amazing and Informative Guest Speakers
Local Government and Robson Ranch Executive Speakers:
Denton Mayor: Gerard Hudspeth
Precinct 4 Commissioner: Dianne Edmondson
Robson Ranch HOA GM: Rhett Hubbard
Robson Ranch VP of Sales: Gabe Schmid
Other Speakers:
Financial planners, Master Gardeners, Denton Recycling, a NASA engineer (Robson Ranch resident), and a Red Cross volunteer (Robson Ranch resident), to name a few.
Members decide on their level of participation for the fundraising and service projects they enjoy.
Please consider joining Kiwanis as one of your 2025 New Year’s resolutions. Join a fun group of friendly and energetic Robson Ranch residents for some laughs and great times, knowing you are helping the children and families of Denton County.
Meetings are held on the first and third Friday of each month from 9 to 10 a.m. at the clubhouse, typically in the Bandera-Medina Room.
There is an open invitation to attend one of our upcoming meetings as our guest. See you there!
Future meetings: Jan. 17, Feb. 7, Feb. 21
If you have any questions, please contact Membership Chair Greg Laffey at [email protected] or 617-877-7575 (call or text).
Check out our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/kcrobsonranch.

Shelby Gould, Associate Vice President, University Advancement Operations, and Executive Director, COO
Kiwanis Club Gets Updates from TWU
At a recent Kiwanis Club of Robson Ranch meeting, Jim Galbraith introduced Shelby Gould, Associate Vice President, University Advancement Operations, and Executive Director, COO, TWU Foundation, and Michelle Cummings, Director Donor Relations and Stewardship Programs. Shelby provided an update on the growth initiatives at TWU over the last year.
• The “Dream Big” goal of $125 million in fundraising was exceeded, with a current amount of $153 million, and it is ongoing.
• The Health Science Center is on schedule for opening in the Fall of 2025. Shelby shared pictures of the construction progress.
• The Bezos Academy is on schedule for opening in the Fall of 2025, with construction now in progress.
• The new School of Aeronautical Sciences received a $15 million commitment. There are 23 students currently enrolled. One student received a $140,000 scholarship from an aircraft owners and pilots group. This is the largest scholarship in TWU history.
• A new School of Business was established with a $30 million gift from a TWU alumnus. The school is scheduled to open in 2027.
• The Frontiers Program is active, with 202 students receiving year-round support for their tuition and housing needs.
• The FAST Academy provides a three-week summer program for students from foster care to help with housing and support while they earn college credits. This is an unfunded program from the state, and it is open to kids from around the state.
• Shelby reviewed the current enrollment statistics for TWU.
• Michelle Cummings then provided information about each of the six students who are receiving scholarships from our Kiwanis Club. Michelle also provided information on the requirements that are used to evaluate all scholarship applicants.
• Over the years, the Kiwanis Club of Robson Ranch has provided scholarships to 47 students at TWU.