Pat Hamblin, Linda Smith, and Bill Wilson
The Kiwanis Club of Robson Ranch, under the leadership of Pat Hamblin, recently completed a very successful kids clothing collection for the Community Clothes Closet (CCC) in Justin, Texas.
Members collected clothes for ages infant to 18 years over the last three months, culminating in a drive-through collection on July 11 at the RR clubhouse parking lot. Nearly 70 large bags of clothing were delivered by Bill Wilson, Ed Ahrens, and Pat Hamblin to the Community Clothes Closet on July 12. The Kiwanis Club says a big thank you to the RR community for their generous support in this project.
In addition, the Kiwanis Club and members donated $1,250 to support the back to school project to aid in purchasing new shoes, socks, and underwear.
Community Clothes Closet is a Christian-based charitable outreach that provides free clothing to over 80 communities. CCC coordinates with local agencies, churches, elderly service providers, and community groups to identify families in need of assistance.