The cookbook committee: Carl Smothers, Genny Bunker, Tanya Jones, Vickie Baker, Kathy Lams, Bill Rauhauser, Alice Wright, Alice Uyeda, Joan Petre, Dave Everly and Betsy Sheats.
Larry Varnes
The introduction of the Robson Ranch Cookbook was a huge success at the marketing event held in the Model Village on Sunday, September 21. The cookbook introduction was a terrific collaboration between Kiwanis of Robson Ranch, the Robson Ranch Sales team and the Wildhorse Grill.
Not only was the cookbook offered for sale for the first time, but also the eight winning recipes for Best Chef in eight different categories were unveiled:
Appetizers & Drinks: Beer Dip by Nancy Buenzow
Soups & Salads: Apple Craisin Salad by Tawana Arnett
Vegetables: Picnic Potatoes by Carol Walker
Main Dishes: Coconut-Lime Chicken by Donna Fox
Special Diets Gluten-Free: Pumpkin Muffins by Carol Solow
Desserts: Mountain Dew Apple Dumplings by Bert Zeitlin
Breads and This -N-That: Mango Nut Bread by Linda Stuart
Slow Cooker: Pulled Pork Sandwiches by Buster Rosser
But the fun didn’t stop there. The Wildhorse Grill prepared each recipe for the enjoyment of all the visitors to the open house. Each dish was served at different serving stations. Everyone was impressed and commented on how good the food was. Many suggested that the recipes be added to the Wildhorse Grill menu.
Cookbooks were sold for $15 each. Proceeds will go to various charities supported by the Kiwanis Club at Robson Ranch. Two hundred seventy books were sold in just one day. Additional books will be sold at the clubhouse from 9:00 to 11:00 M/W/F through November 5. They make wonderful gifts for the entire family. They represent insight into the active lifestyle at Robson Ranch that demands quick and easy food preparation recipes.
Additional orders for cookbooks will be taken prior to the Woman’s Bazaar on October 11, the annual Craft Bazaar on October 24 and 25 and the After Schooler Garage Sale on October 18. If that’s not enough, you can call either Carol or Bill Rauhauser at 262-3164. They will personally deliver a Cookbook to your door. With all these opportunities, get your copy before they are all gone.
Special kudos go out to the entire cookbook committee. Many other Kiwanians were also involved but are too numerous to mention. A giant Thank You to all!