Judy Martin-Tafoya holds a birthday bag that will brighten a needy child’s special day.
Lisa Gollihar
Perhaps you remember, as a little girl, saying goodbye to summer with your parents and siblings at the local A&W Root Beer stand, or having a Coke float in your backyard as you turned cartwheels with cousins and played tag until the mosquitos came out and the lightning bugs began to blink. One last hurrah to mark the end of summer!
On Sunday afternoon, Sept. 18, about 40 Liberty Belles braved the 95-degree heat to mark what will hopefully be the tail end of summer here at Robson Ranch. Thankful for the gazebo and the patio umbrellas, the Belles indulged in ice cream floats and visited with fellow Robson Ranch Republican Club (RRRC) women. One of the women, Connie, had only been here at Robson Ranch for one week after moving down from Ohio to be near her son’s family in Prosper. She and her husband Jim had looked around at retirement places near Prosper but were unimpressed. Then a friend told them about Robson Ranch Denton, and the rest is history—here they are, ready to be a part of Robson Ranch and the Republican Club!
Attendees were also able to learn about and sign up for upcoming activities. A new book discussion group is forming. Gail Hanna provided the inaugural book, the No. 1 New York Times bestseller Battle for the American Mind, by Pete Hegseth and David Goodwin, for attendees to peruse, along with a current copy of The Epoch Times, soon to be available at the Ranch library, thanks to a donation by the RRRC. Suzie Edgren provided information on participating in the Bake America Great Again Cookie Contest and Silent Auction fundraiser that was held on Oct. 5, during the RRRC meeting. Lisa showcased information regarding the Woman-to-Woman Pregnancy Resource Center in Denton and the ongoing Donation Drive, as well as signups for upcoming workdays at the center. The new Republican Club shirts were on display for the women to check out.
Judy Martin-Tafoya is organizing programs to benefit North Collegiate Academy, a free Pre-K-8 public charter school with a population that is 97.4% disadvantaged. An initial activity is providing birthday bags for the younger students at the school. These gift bags are stocked with cake mix, canned frosting, paper party cups and plates, candles, party favors, and an activity book and small gift for the birthday child. These colorful “parties in a bag” can bless needy children by assuring them that there are people who care about them. In addition, there are other urgent needs at the school: boys’ and girls’ underwear in sizes 4T through 7 and shampoo and conditioner, especially brands suited for textured hair. Judy will be glad to pick up your donations. Contact her at [email protected].
The women of the Republican Club are busily working to make our community better. We are ready for fall and will be working to elect Republicans to office on Nov. 5!