The New Yorker has something for everyone!
Jane Scholz
Friends of the Library (FOL) is starting a monthly New Yorker Magazine Reading Club open to all Robson residents. For now, the group will meet via the online meeting application Zoom.
You don’t need to be a member of FOL to participate—our activities are for the enjoyment of all Robson Ranch (RR) residents! Of course, if you enjoy our activities, we hope you’ll join. All FOL dues and contributions are used to support the library.
The group will select two or three long-form articles from The New Yorker magazine to read each month, then members will discuss the following month. The purpose is to have thoughtful, civil conversations on a variety of important topics and make some new Robson friends along the way.
There are New Yorker reading groups in many communities all over the U.S. Why The New Yorker? The classic magazine carries well researched articles on a wide variety of issues including science and the environment, economic, political, and social trends, and books, movies, theater, and music.
Our first virtual Zoom meeting will be on Sunday, June 21, from 2 to 3 p.m. At this meeting, we will decide how to organize ourselves, pick a permanent meeting day and time, and select articles to read for the July meeting.
Zoom is easy to use. Many Robson residents already use it for club meetings or to keep in touch with family. The best way to use Zoom is on a desktop or laptop computer, but you also can access it from a smartphone or tablet computer. The device must have WiFi or cellular access.
If you want to subscribe to the magazine, there are some good discounts for digital and/or print available now at subscribe.newyorker.com. The New Yorker also is available digitally through the Denton Public Library (DPL) to DPL members at denton.bibliocommons.com for no additional charge.
For now, the RR library will not offer newspapers or magazines, but once infection is no longer a concern, it hopes to have copies of The New Yorker available.
To join or ask questions, email Jane Scholz at [email protected]. By June 18, Jane will email sign-in information for the Zoom meeting to those who respond.
To join FOL, send $10 annual dues to Ms. Frannie Howard at 12501 Soapstone Drive.