Living Well Committee: Vendor of the Month for April: Eat Your Greens

Photo by Claudia Caporale

Claudia J. Caporale

The Zuniga Family have learned, firsthand, the benefits and importance of eating organically grown microgreens. Like many journeys to a healthy lifestyle, Christa and April began theirs with an illness. Born and raised in Texas and Oklahoma from generations of farmers and botanists, the women researched endlessly, tried many different healing methods, and began eating healthier. When they learned that microgreens had 4 to 40 times more nutrients than the adult version of the vegetable and more bio-available than synthetic vitamins and minerals, they started to grow their own vegetables to ensure their family got the best possible nutrients, grown with the most trustworthy methods. It was then, in 2019, that they started their business to spread the word.

The Zunigas value happiness more than anything, and they believe a healthy lifestyle leads to a more enjoyable life experience. Eat Your Greens! Organic Farm is a direct-to-consumer farm. Christa and April appreciate and practice sustainable methods and only use USDA-certified organic seeds and sow them atop of OMRI-listed soil, with a little water and a lot of love.

Their two main goals are to educate people about the nutrients in microgreens—the original superfood, and to provide their product while practicing sustainability by adding microgreens to daily diets. Microgreens are well-known worldwide for providing nutrients needed to aid in healing many conditions like hypertension, type 2 diabetes, autoimmunity, anxiety, depression, and many more. The Zunigas also produce microgreens powders and capsules, which are flavorful, nutritious, and anti-inflammatory.

If you’d like to grow your own microgreens, they offer a Starter Kit that includes two 10”x10” growing trays, a spray bottle, organic soil, organic seeds, and instructions on how to grow your first harvest. In addition, they’ll give you two weeks of free guidance by text.

Their Mission is to supply the freshest products for their family and customers. They truly believe that everyone deserves to have enough nutrients in their daily intake and believe health and longevity are gifts everyone can enjoy by simply eating what nature provides. Christa and April offer Microgreens Subscription Plans and free delivery on orders of $20 or more.

Many of our residents have already learned the benefits of these products and are using them regularly. They offer free delivery to Robson Ranch on Thursdays. If you haven’t tried them and want more information, stop by and chat with Christa and April on Fridays at the Farmers Market.