Living Well Olympics Updates

Marcia Elving

Plans are progressing for this year’s Olympic events. Month-long events begin Sept. 1 and culminate in a luncheon and awards ceremony on Sept. 30. Plan to participate with us this year as we join with our neighbors in Living Well!

We are still looking for event coordinators. Please contact Marcia Elving at if you are interested in heading up one of the events.

In-person registration dates will begin in mid-July. Evening registration in the Pinnacle lobby will be from 5 to 7 p.m. on Monday, July 31. Dates scheduled for the clubhouse are from 9 to 11 a.m. as follows:

Wednesday, July 26

Friday, July 28

Wednesday, Aug. 2

Friday, Aug. 4

Monday, Aug. 7

Wednesday, Aug. 9

Friday, Aug. 11

Monday, Aug. 14

Registration will also be available online, with checks being mailed in. More details will be available in the next Pioneer Press edition.