The Living Well Organizational Skills Seminar given by Michele Ray Williams in the Robson Ranch Clubhouse on March 4, 2020
A large group attended the Living Well March seminar about organizing tips. The speaker, Michele Ray Williams, Robson Ranch resident, presented examples of things people have in their homes that are seldom looked at or used again like old albums, boxes of photos, florist vases, boxes in our garages, broken tools, clothes that are no longer worn, piles of sheets that are gathering dust!
A method to start dealing with these items is to take one day of the week, or even a day a month, to start going through your cabinets and drawers. She suggested that taking everything out of one drawer or cabinet at a time and laying everything out to see the items all spread out often helps us to decide to get rid of items as unneeded, disliked, etc. To organize your closet, take everything out, lay it on the bed, and try on everything. Many things may look worn, need mending, look out of style, or don’t fit.
Drawer organizers, kitchen shelf stacking organizers, space saving and cascading hanger organizers are also helpful.
Donating good items, recycling appropriate items, and disposing of junk were also discussed.