Scott Baker will present the 2024 Pulitzer Prize-winning historical
non-fiction book Master Slave Husband Wife on April 8 at 2:30 p.m.
Becky Frusher
This spring there are plenty of opportunities for enrichment at the library. For those who like to read and discuss books, our popular Book Talk series continues in April with a 2024 Pulitzer Prize-winning historical non-fiction title. If leadership is your thing, the Friends of the Library (FOL) is accepting nominations for two open positions that will be voted on in July. Here’s how to get involved:
April Book Talk
Join us in the library on Tuesday, April 8, at 2:30 p.m. for Master Slave Husband Wife, written by Ilyon Woo and presented by Scott Baker. A copy may be available in the library. Stop by to enquire or check the online catalog at www.rrtxfol.org/rrlibrary.
The Pulitzer Prizes describes this historical non-fiction winner as “A rich narrative of the Crafts, an enslaved couple who escaped from Georgia in 1848, with light-skinned Ellen disguised as a disabled white gentleman and William as her manservant, exploiting assumptions about race, class, and disability to hide in public on their journey to the North, where they became famous abolitionists while evading bounty hunters.”
See this and future Book Talk events at www.rrtxfol.org/events.
FOL Leadership Positions
If you’re not familiar with the Friends of the Library, the club’s purpose is to advocate for the library and support library leadership. This involves activities such as increasing awareness of the library, fundraising, volunteer activities, and enhancement of library usage and user experience. FOL membership is open to all property owners and residents of Robson Ranch.
The FOL Officer Nominating Committee is actively soliciting nominations for the following positions. FOL members may self-nominate or submit others’ names for consideration.
The Vice Chair:
• Assume the duties of the Chair when the Chair is absent and fulfills the unexpired term of that office if it becomes vacant
• Is the primary point of contact for communication with the Robson Ranch community
• Serves on at least one subcommittee annually
After serving for one year, the Vice Chair assumes the office of Chair, and the Chair assumes the office of Immediate Past Chair. A Vice Chair is elected annually.
The Secretary:
• Keeps necessary records and minutes of all leadership meetings, the annual membership meetings, and other activities
• Maintains the FOL-RR membership list
The Secretary serves a term of two years.
Nominations can be directed to FOL Leadership. You’ll find a list of officers and a contact form at www.rrtxfol.org/contacts.
FOL membership is not required to check out library materials or serve as a library volunteer. Find more information at www.robsonlibrary.org.