The volunteers for Operation Shower and some of the items they made.
Operation Shower is a nonprofit based in St. Louis, MO started in 2007 to “shower” military moms-to-be whose spouses are currently deployed. Upon learning of a planned shower at Ft. Hood, the Material Girls, Sassy Stampers and the Yarn Divas opened their hearts and busied their hands to partner with Operation Shower to furnish items for a baby shower to be held November 4 at the Killeen Convention Center honoring 40 moms and moms-to-be whose spouses are stationed at Ft. Hood. The event was a huge hit with these moms thanks in large part to the beautiful handmade hats, booties, quilts, baby blankets, bibs and so much more donated by the Material Girls, Sassy Stampers and the Yarn Divas. Several moms were so touched that they were brought to tears, and one was overheard saying “I thought I was going to receive diapers and wipes” and she, along with the other moms, each received a large box filled with items such as a car seat, baby activity seat and more from donors all across America now including our own Robson Ranch family. Many of these moms have no family nearby, and with their spouses deployed they need the extra support these showers give them, not only the wonderful gifts they receive but most importantly the love they can feel when they receive each item in their special gift box. The items placed in the boxes from the Material Girls, Sassy Stampers and the Yarn Divas was a special bonus for these moms.
This project was first mentioned in July by Shirley McCory with a collection date of October 12. Thirty-five women participated from Yarn Divas and Material Girls in the project and donated over 75 handmade gifts. Sassy Stampers made cards thanking the military for their support and duty. The response was overwhelming and such a blessing to each one that participated; it has been decided to make this an ongoing service project each year. If you would like to join us, Yarn Divas meets each Tuesday from 1:00–3:00; Material Girls meet each Thursday from 10:00–2:00; and the Sassy Stampers meets the second Friday, 9:00-1:00. If you don’t know how to crochet, sew, knit, quilt or stamp, we have ladies that would love to show you how.
For more information about Operation Shower and how you can get involved, make a difference and show our military how much they are loved and appreciated, please visit the website www.operationshower.org.