Golf & Green committee members, left to right: Carl Owens, Wayne Ballard, Jim Downer, Vice-Chair Art Shepherd, Virginia Wheeless, Chair Steve Shepard, Dennis Terry, John Claudy, Jane Thompson, Sarah Ray and Tim Battle
Steve Shepard
The Golf & Green Committee serves at the pleasure of our HOA Board of Directors (BOD). While it has no direct operational or management authority, this standing committee of the BOD provides numerous valuable services and guidance to our HOA. The purpose of the committee is to promote and enhance the golfer’s enjoyment and satisfaction of the golf facility through recommendations of solutions. Members of the committee are Robson Ranch homeowners in good standing. The committee meets regularly on the third Monday of each month at 1:00 p.m. in the clubhouse. Homeowners are welcome and encouraged to attend committee meetings, and their input is appreciated.
The committee consists of nine voting members who fairly represent the various skill/age levels of the golfers in our community. Two additional members may serve as alternates. Alternate members are fully functional members with the exception that they only vote when their vote is necessary for a quorum. Four of the nine voting committee members are from each of the Men’s Golf Association, the Women’s Golf Association, the Wildhorse Lady Niners and the 9MGARR.
The golf course staff plays an integral role in guiding the committee and providing areas where they would like assistance from the committee. One current committee project is working with our HOA general manager in the development and coordination of the golf marketing plan. This cooperative effort with HOA operational management has resulted in increased play and revenue to our HOA. A few of the many other ongoing programs of the Committer are the following:
Golf operations including Pro Shop operations and tournament planning
Maintenance, course agronomy and equipment
Golf instruction availability to assist those who wish to learn the game and those who wish to improve their play
Want to know more? Come sit in on a meeting the third Monday of each month at 1:00 p.m. in the clubhouse. Interested in joining the Golf and Green Committee? Fill out a committee volunteer form located at the HOA office in the clubhouse or contact committee chair Steve Shepard at [email protected]. This is our HOA, and committee service is a way to help continuing to make this a great place to live.