Left to right: Marie-Christine Koop, Eileen Whitaker, Fred van Naerssen, Rupa Mathur, Alfred Van Gool and Mara Lewis.
Rupa Mathur
The International Club Members met at Rupa Mathur’s home on January 24, 2019. The members were introduced to their new Executive Committee: Alfred Van Gool (from Belgium), president; Marie-Christine Koop (from France), past president; Mara Lewis (from Cuba), treasurer; Eileen Whitaker (from Great Britain), sunshine person; Rupa Mathur (from India), Vice president, publicity; Fred van Naerssen (from Netherlands), publicity and past president.
The bylaws of the club were briefly discussed, and a financial report was presented by Mara Lewis. The members were requested to volunteer to host the club meetings.
In February, Salette and Dennis Ogren hosted the International Club meeting that was well attended.
To make it easier for hosts to open their home for the meetings, the host has a choice to make either one appetizer or a dessert and members contribute in the same way. The host does not have to prepare a main dish for dinner, unless they wish to do so.
We welcome new members to our Robson Ranch International Club. To be eligible to join the club, a member can be single or a couple. In case of a couple at least one member must be born outside of the United States and of foreign origin. Social gatherings are generally held on the third Thursday of the month and on special occasions we may change the day and date. International Club provides a forum for members to share their culture, cultivate friendships, as well as provide support and understanding. We have members from many continents around the world.
Spouses and significant others are welcome to attend the gatherings. Yearly dues are $10 per single person and $15 per couple. For further information, please contact Alfred Van Gool via email at [email protected] or by phone 214-212-5086.