Jim McCracken, middle, is presented with the Championship Trophy by David Thatcher, the Club Head Professional, left, and Lawry Cohen, last year’s Club Champion on the right.
Steve Pettigrew
The Robson Ranch Club Championship for 2016 is a two-day event held on September 30 and October 1. This Tournament is flighted by handicap and scoring is based on gross score plus one lowest net score for two days in each flight. A player can declare and play in the Championship flight, regardless of handicap, with play from the Blue Tees. This year’s Club Champion is Jim McCracken; congratulations, Jim. Jim’s name will be engraved on the Championship Trophy, which is displayed at the Pro Shop, and he received a separate personalized crystal trophy. The overall results are as follows:
Championship Flight: Jim McCracken, Club Champion; Ted Dunson, 2nd; Bill Tillman, 3rd; Llynal Carey, 4th; Mike Rumfelt, Low Net.
Flight 1 – White: Gary Smith, 1st; Gil Ortiz, 2nd; John Claudy, 3rd; Chuck Boggess, 4th; Glenn Headley, Low Net.
Flight 2 – White: Lyle Nevius, 1st; Larry Bowes, 2nd; Donny Reed, 3rd; Michael Griffin, 4th; Ken Cline, Low Net
Flight 3 – Gold: Carl Owens, 1st; Ben Rector, 2nd; Charles Golihar, 3rd; Tom Kreminski, 4th; Gary Castro, Low Net
Flight 4 – Gold: Mike Elliott, 1st; John Hall, 2nd; Stephen Pettigrew, 3rd;
Larry Comunale, 4th; Roger Amador, Low Net