We, the MGA Board, would like to thank all 104 participants. We had a great turn-out for a fun filled tournament. The weather was great; the food was great; hope you all had fun.
Now for the results.
Flight 1: 1st place 122, Ettredge and Sterling; 2nd place 129, McKie and Nicklas; 3rd place 129, Nicpon and Claudy. Flight 2: 1st place 123, Knowles and Farmer; 2nd place 126, Peterson and Moe; 3rd place 129, Mckinzie and Scott. Flight 3: 1st place 122, Hanson and Dotson; 2nd place 126, Haynes and Rector; 3rd place 129, Wells and Curran. Flight 4: 1st place 124, Elliott and Bousanti; 2nd place 130, Tidwell and Wood; 3rd place 132, Hull and Miloser. Flight 5: 1st place 129, Cummings and Klein; 2nd place 130, Shepard and Stark; 3rd place 132, Thompson and Brewer. Flight 6: 1st place 119, Post and Sykes; 2nd place 119, Norman and Cartwright; 3rd place 120 Ballard and Cushman.
Two-day 18 hole score of 119 – Wow! Congratulations to all. Cheers and a big thank you from the entire board.