Taking his place alongside past honorees: Ben Dickerson, Art Masciere, Chuck Runner, Linda Kurita, Carol Rauhauser and Mike Conley
Carol Rauhauser and Vicki Baker
Determined, persistent, dedicated and selfless are words describing a remarkable man—James Michael “Mike” Conley. Mike, deserving of recognition for his tireless support to Robson Ranch and the entire Denton community, was awarded RR Citizen of the Year at the Kiwanis Club September 18 meeting. Mike has always been the go-to person at Robson Ranch and for good reason:
Robson Ranch Community:
A sign in Mike’s workshop reads, “If I can’t fix it, it ain’t broke!” Friends and neighbors rely on him to repair little things they cannot fix themselves, as well as larger projects like laying tile, fixing leaks and building cupboards. He gladly, and without compensation, does electrical, plumbing, cement and carpentry work for just about anyone asking for help.
Mike’s wider involvement in the community includes transporting residents to and from the airport, setting up golf outings for residents, running the sound system for all Robson choir concerts, yearly participation in the Independence Day Parade and set-up and tear-down of the After Schoolers garage sales.
Robson Ranch Pickleball:
Not only an avid pickleball player, Mike is also involved in the coordination of the sport and leads the committee scheduling the courts for members and developed a software program for court scheduling. He serves as a Pickleball Academy instructor.
Robson Ranch Softball:
His enthusiasm for playing softball is obvious, but his dedication to making the game fun for everyone sets him apart. Mike served on the Softball Association’s Board of Directors for three and a half years. He is always the first one at the field whenever maintenance is required. He initiated the Saturday morning pick-up games. He worked tirelessly to plan and implement field upgrades. The advertising banners on the fence at the field exist largely due to Mike’s efforts to design, produce, display and maintain them.
Mike coordinates umpire training and scheduling for the league. He developed a rating system for players and created a draft system keeping a competitive balance of the league. He was instrumental in developing software programs to assist softball board members and others in the community with record processing and record keeping. When not playing a game, Mike serves as umpire, announcer and scoreboard operator.
Denton Community:
Mike volunteers on the Advisory Committee for the TWU Golf Course, helping the university conduct a feasibility study to determine the best use of the property.
Church Activities:
Mike serves on the Board of Trustees for the First United Methodist Church of Denton. He is the lead for the Denton Build Project, a project to repair and upgrade homes in the Denton community whose owners cannot afford to hire the work done. He serves on the $1.8 million church renovation committee yet is always available to take care of needed church repairs and upgrades.
There is an adage that says, “If you want to get something done, give it to a busy person.” At Robson Ranch it’s modified to read, “If you want to get something done, give it to Mike Conley!”
Congratulations, Mike Conley, 2015 Robson Ranch Citizen of the Year!