Need Some Denton Public Library Assistance?

Pictured (left to right) are Haley, Bill, and Dee, librarians from the Denton Public Library, who, along with South Branch Adult Services librarian Makenna Madsourivong, will be in the Robson Ranch Library on April 14 from 10 a.m. to noon. (Photo by Linda Bono)


Linda Bono

You’re in luck! Librarians from the Denton Public Library (DPL) will be in our Robson Ranch Library on Monday, April 14, from 10 a.m. to noon to sign up residents for DPL cards. They will also offer residents assistance with their digital devices. Mark your calendar and plan to be there! In case you’re new to the Ranch, the CATC building is where you’ll find the Robson Ranch Library.

Former First Lady Laura Bush is quoted as saying, “I have found the most valuable thing in my wallet is my library card.” I totally agree with her! Library cards provide their holders with a wealth of possibilities. Robson residents are fortunate to be able to sign up for library cards from the Denton Public Library right here at Robson Ranch a few times a year. During the April 14 visit, DPL librarians will also provide residents with hands-on help with e-readers and digital audiobooks. This Denton Public Library Cards and E-Reader and Digital Audiobooks Assistance Program has been very popular with Robson residents over the years, so, I repeat, Mark your calendar and plan to be there.

To obtain a DPL card, you will need to show a photo ID (driver’s license, passport, state ID, etc.) and some kind of bill/document with your name and address on it. If your photo ID has your current Denton address on it, that will suffice as proof of residency. Expiring library cards can also be renewed. If you need e-reader or digital audiobook assistance, it would be best to bring your e-reader or device with you to the Robson Library for hands-on help. The DPL librarians will even assist in downloading the CloudLibrary app to your device. With the CloudLibrary app you’ll be able to download e-books, audiobooks, movies, and other digital materials available from DPL. The librarians will be happy to answer any questions you may have about digital materials.

For a better understanding of the services the Denton Public Library offers, talk to the DPL librarians on April 14 or visit the DPL website at

And here’s another plus to take advantage of on April 14: When residents come to the DPL Program, they often register to borrow items from the Robson Ranch Library as well. (It just takes a minute to fill in a Robson Ranch Library New Patron Form, and with that attended to, you’ll be able to immediately check out some items.) So, while you’re there on April 14, take time to look around and discover what items are available right here in our Robson Library and sign up to become a member of our library. For more information on the Robson Ranch Library, visit our website at Note: the website even provides a helpful link to our inventory. All library materials are listed except for items in the Grab-and-Go Paperbacks section.

See you in the library on April 14!