New executive board sworn in for RRWC


Mary Ornberg

“Make new friends, but keep the old. One is silver, the other is gold.”

Sharaon Foy was dressed in a silver top as she handed the gavel to the incoming President, Mary Ornberg, outfitted in gold at the December luncheon.

The new executive board was then sworn in by Sharon Foy: Mary Ornberg, president; Joyce Frey, president elect 2019; Joyce Ambre, vice president, membership; Rebecca Bafford, vice president, programs; Elma Hinson, treasurer; Martha Butz, secretary; Nancy Garre, lunch coordinator; and Mala Bowdouris, parliamentarian.

Mary Ornberg then introduced the 2018 committee chairs: Ruby Wilson, hospitality; Dianne Battle, service; Susan Knopick, sunshine; Bobbi Hardt, welcome; Bert Zeitlin, webmaster; Vicki Baker, historian; Ann Madigan, publicity; Theresa Peoples, ways and means; and Sally Hampton, special projects.

This new board of 2018 promises exciting entertainment, delicious lunches and an atmosphere of friendship.